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New Haven County Charter

We, the people of New Haven County, adopt this Charter to facilitate relevant and unobtrusive local government. We do so to promote equality before the law, and to enable elected and appointed officers to meet the social, economic and environmental wishes of the People.


Section 100. The County limits shall be defined in the State Constitution and State Law.

Section 101. The following municipalities shall exist within New Haven County:

a. Plymouth b. Lander

Section 102. The following territories shall exist within New Haven County:

a. West Point b. Lander Minor

Section 103. The following communities shall exist within New Haven County:

a. Trailer City

Section 104. The County shall only admit more municipalities, territories and communities with a ⅔ majority concurrence in the County Board.


Section 200. The County is a political subdivision of the State of Mayflower. It has all the powers provided to it by the Constitution, State Law, and this Charter.

Section 201. The County Seat is Plymouth.

Section 202. The County Board shall be compelled to fix all successful initiatives and referenda, provided they’ve been brought to a public vote upon reaching 300 signatures by the Residents of the County.

Section 203. The Residents of the County may trigger and vote upon a petition to remove any elected county official from office prior to their term deadline, provided there is evidence of a felony being committed, negligence, or misconduct. A recall election shall follow the petition upon reaching a number of signatures equal to the turnout for that office’s previous election.

All valid recall petitions and elections shall be executed by the Mayflower Electoral Commission by any means they deem most efficient towards gauging the general opinion of the Residents of the County.

Any recall petition that does not reach the prescribed amount of signature within one week of being triggered shall be struck down and invalidated. Recall petitions that fail cannot be triggered again until 30 days later unless the county official in question is convicted of a crime.

Section 204. The municipalities and incorporated territories shall enjoy scrupulous administration under their own Charters, unless their relevant governments are dissolved, in which case they shall be administered by the County Board. Unincorporated territories and communities shall be administered by the County Board.


Section 300. The governing body of the County is a board of Councillors, consisting of two members for every municipality, one member for every territory, and one member for every community.

Section 301. The County Sheriff, County Fire Chief, and County Director of Transit shall hold seats on the County Board as ex-Officios to represent their respective departments. These individuals may delegate a deputy to act in their absence and temporarily fill their seat on the County Board.

Section 302. The County Executive shall serve as the Presiding Officer of the County Board and may delegate a Councillor to act in their absence.

The County Executive may only vote in meetings when a tie-breaking vote is required.

The County Executive shall be responsible for drafting and enforcing the Standing Rules of the County Board, which will establish the rules and procedures of the County Board. The Standing Rules must be ratified by the County Board at the first session following an election, requiring a substantive vote of ⅔.

Section 303. Elections for the County Board shall transpire every four months.

All candidates must have resided in the County for at least 100 days.

No candidate may hold a felony on record or a bar from holding public office.

All candidates must forfeit all government offices upon entry into the County Board.

No candidate shall win an election without having received at least five-percent of the total turnout for that election. Any seats left vacant following an election shall be expeditiously filled by the County Executive until the next election cycle.

Section 304. Any Councillor who resigns their post during their term is disqualified from running for the next election cycle, but thereafter may run for office.

Section 305. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the County Board, a Councillor shall be appointed to fill the vacancy by the County Executive until the next election cycle.

Section 306. The County Board shall meet on a weekly basis to conduct the business of the County.

Emergency meetings may be called by any Member of the County Board, and must be seconded by at least another member of the County Board in order to occur.

The County may exercise its powers only through meetings of the County Board, regular or emergency.

Section 307. A Journal of Record shall be maintained by the Presiding Officer of the County Board, or any clerk delegated with the responsibility of doing so.

The Journal of Record must document all Councillors in attendance and their respective votes on every act of the board.

The Journal of Record must additionally document all Commissioners in attendance and their respective vetoes on any act of the board, if applicable.

Section 308. Three members of the County Board and one member of the County Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Non-substantive acts of the board shall only be valid if at least a simple majority of the Councillors in attendance are in concurrence.

The following acts are substantive and shall require a ⅔ special majority concurrence of the Councillors in attendance:

a. Repealing a County Ordinance b. Confirming a County official c. Temporarily suspending or permanently expelling a County Councillor d. Fixing any referendum pertaining to an amendment to the County Charter

Section 309. The County Board shall have the power to:

a. Adopt a statement of the goals of the County at the beginning of their term. b. Adopt, amend, or repeal ordinances to serve as legislation within the boundaries of the County. c. Confirm any County official nominated by the County Executive into office. d. Suspend Councillors for violating the Standing Rules of the County Board. e. Expel Councillors for inactivity, lack of responsibility, or general disobedience. f. Inquire into the conduct of any office or department which operates within the boundaries of the County. g. Require the attendance of any officer or employee of the county at any meeting of the board for the purposes of information, advice, or assistance. h. Issue statements or reports to the public for informational purposes derived from the business of the County. i. Appoint a Clerk to keep the Journal of Record for every County Board meeting.

Section 310. Except for the purposes of inquiry and information, neither the County Board nor any member thereof shall deal with any administrative officer or employee appointed by or under the County Executive except through the County Executive, and neither the County Board nor any member thereof shall give orders to the subordinates of the County Executive either publicly or privately.

Section 311. In the event of the County Board being disbanded as prescribed in the Constitution, the the State Senate shall assume all legislative powers bestowed upon the County Board.


Section 400. The County Executive is the chief administrative officer of the County.

Section 401. The County Executive serves at the pleasure of the residents of the County. The term in office of the County Executive, until removed from office by the board and the commission, or the people, is for a period not exceeding four months.

a. At the time of the adoption of this amendment, the term limit of four months shall be applied to the incumbent of the office of County Executive, from such time as their ascension to the office after election. Should the current incumbent have exceeded four months in office since the last election at the time of this amendment being ratified, then elections are to be held at the earliest convenience of the electoral commission.

b. The County Executive may be removed from office by the board, with a 3⁄4 majority vote, with at least two of either the Sheriff, the Transit Director, and the Fire Chief, voting in favour. Following removal under section 401.b the procedure detailed in section 404 of this charter shall be followed for the selection of a new County Executive.

Section 402. The County Executive is responsible to the County Board for the proper administration of all affairs of the county. The County Executive shall have power and be required to:

a. Nominate officials designated to fill vacant, unelected County offices to the County Board for confirmation. b. Supervise, suspend, or remove any non-elected Officer of the County. c. Recommend to the County Board needed ordinances. d. Coordinate the policies of all County agencies, both elective and appointive, through County Executive Orders which must be verified for legality by a District Justice. e. Have responsibility for all County property, buildings, works and improvements. f. Perform such other duties required by the County Board consistent with this Charter.

Section 403. The Office of the County Executive shall not be held in tandem with any other public office detailed in this document.

Section 404. In the event of the County Executive’s office being permanently vacated, the power to appoint an interim county executive shall be given to the County Board, who will vote with a simple majority on an individual to take the position until the next election cycle. If the County board fails to appoint an interim County Executive within 14 days of the vacancy, the power will then be given to the Central Authority to appoint an interim County Executive until the next election cycle.

Section 405. In the event of the County Executive’s office being disbanded by the State government, the State Governor shall assume all the powers bestowed upon the County Executive.


Section 500. Officers, boards, and commissions created by this Charter or the Constitution or general laws of the state, or hereafter created by the County Board, shall have and exercise all the powers and shall perform all the duties vested in and delegated to them by the Constitution, this Charter, or ordinance, and to the extent not in conflict with this Charter or ordinance by the general laws of this State.

Section 501. The Sheriff shall serve indefinitely at the pleasure of the People.

Section 502. The Fire Chief shall serve at the pleasure of the County Executive.

Section 503. The District Attorney shall serve indefinitely at the pleasure of the People.

Section 504. The Director of the Transit shall serve at the pleasure of the County Executive.

Section 505. County Officers and department heads shall have the power to appoint, supervise, suspend or remove all persons employed under their respective administrations.

Section 506. No County Officer shall be removed without evidence of a felony being committed, gross negligence, gross misconduct, or abuse of power.


Section 600. The County shall be afforded protection and security by the Sheriff of New Haven County and their Deputies at all times.

Section 601. The Sheriff and their Office shall liaise with local and state departments to ensure the entire county is adequately protected.

Section 602. The Sheriff’s Office shall primarily be responsible for providing bailiff duties for the local courts and to administer and guard the New Haven County Jail.

The execution of any warrant issued by a local court judge shall fall primarily under the responsibility of the Sheriff’s Office. In the absence of the County Sheriff or their Deputies, other local and state departments may liaise with the Sheriff’s Office to ensure the execution of the aforementioned warrants.


Section 700. The Fire Department shall aid the County in the prevention of fires with the publication of the County Fire Code, regularly kept up to date by the County Fire Chief.

Section 701. The Fire Department shall primarily be responsible for putting out any unlawful, life-threatening or unlicensed fires and providing the County with a suitable emergency response service.

Section 702. The County Fire Chief is a sworn law enforcement officer and is empowered to investigate all crimes pertaining to arson and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The County Fire Chief shall reserve the right to regulate the execution of licensed fires to suit the safety of the general public.

The County Fire Chief shall liaise with the Sheriff to apprehend and arrest all perpetrators of the County Fire Code.


Section 800. The Transit Authority shall be responsible for providing the County with a network of affordable public transportation.

Section 801. The Transit Authority shall regularly run safety assessments on all County roadways, highways, and interstates to ensure the road conditions are clear for standard operation and usage. Any portion of roadway deemed unsafe for public operation shall be closed off on all entryways until suitable driving conditions have been restored.

Section 802. The Transit Authority shall liaise with local or County law enforcement officers to provide all transit networks with suitable law enforcement protection and enforce traffic compliance with all road closures.

Section 803. The Transit Authority shall have the right to close any road, for a maximum of thirty-minutes, if the road is deemed unsuitable for public use by the Transit Director.


Section 900. All County Ordinances, added, changed or repealed, shall be documented on the Mayflower Local Ordinances sheet.

Section 901. Ordinances shall be punishable by fines no greater than $10,000 or incarceration not exceeding two weeks.


Section 1,000. The County shall provide for three District Court structures:

a. New Haven County Western District Courthouse (West Point) b. New Haven County Central District Courthouse (Plymouth) c. New Haven County Goodison Courtroom (Sheriff’s Office Headquarters)

Section 1,001. The County Sheriff is the ex-officio Constable of the New Haven County Justice Courts, and their Deputies shall act as the Courts’ bailiffs.

Section 1,002. The Goodison Courtroom shall befall under the jurisdiction of the Sheriff and may be liaised to any local judge for high-profile cases in need of dire security.

Section 1,003. The New Haven County District Attorney shall lead the County’s Prosecutor’s Office.

Section 1,004. The District Attorney shall be responsible for liaising with the State Prosecutor’s Office for the prosecution of any violation of the Mayflower Criminal Code that occurs within the County’s boundaries. Breaches of New Haven County Ordinances and the New Haven County Fire Code shall be prosecuted only by the County’s Prosecutor’s Office.


Section 1,100. The County Board may, with a ¾ majority in concurrence, vote to trigger the impeachment of any appointed County Officer for the commission of a felony or misdemeanor defined by law, neglect of duty, incompetence, unexcused inactivity or corruption or bribery.

Section 1,101. The County Executive shall be responsible for coordinating with the local District Courts to schedule a jury trial, in which the County Board shall preside as the jury.

Section 1,102. County Officers awaiting impeachment must immediately vacate their office for no more than one week, or until a jury trial is held. Should a County Officer be found to have purposely delayed the scheduling of an impeachment proceeding for over two weeks from the initiation of the articles, the jury trial shall be held in absentia.

Section 1,103. If a County Officer is found guilty by ¾ of the jury during an impeachment proceeding, they shall be immediately removed from their respective office in the County.


Section 1,200. The violation of any provision of this Charter shall be a misdemeanour and be punishable upon conviction by a fine of $10,000 dollars or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding two weeks.

Section 1,201. If any provision of this Charter, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of this Charter, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.

Section 1,202. The County recognizes the Constitution as the highest document of the State. Any provision within this Charter found to contradict the Constitution’s outlined procedures shall be disregarded. The only exception to this is the recall procedures outlined in this Charter.

Section 1,203. The Mayflower Electoral Commission shall decide on the most suitable time to schedule elections for any elected office established under this Charter.

Section 1,204. All amendments to the County Charter shall be passed only through a County-wide referendum and a ⅔ special majority vote by the County Board.

Section 1,205. The Attorney General and District Attorney shall be entrusted to assist the County government in the execution of this Charter.


Section 1,300. The Central Authority shall be a body comprised of the County’s developers with no definite term limit.

Section 1,301. With a ¾ concurrence, the Central Authority shall have the power and be required to:

  • Appoint officials into any vacant elected office until an election can be scheduled
  • Veto any County Ordinance, amendment to the County Charter, or recall petition proven to be detrimental to the development of the County
  • Remove any County Official proven to be detrimental to the development of the County
  • Deny any candidate’s bid for election if proven to be detrimental to the development of the County


Xiam Head Author

SanguinePretender County Sheriff

FireMarshaIBillBurns County Fire Chief

Tricknixon District Chief Judge

FrancisHUnderwood State Attorney General

Sam4219 President pro-tempore

Last update: May 7, 2020