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19 - County Sheriff's Funding

Presented and Sponsored by Board Member: Larry_Gallahan

Be it enacted by the County Councillors and County Commissioners here assembled that


Section I - Definitions

  1. Budget - The number of employees, as set by the county board, which the County Sheriff’s Office must not exceed.
  2. County Commissioner - A county commissioner as defined by the County Commissioners Ordinance, 2019.

Section II - Text

  1. The minimum budget of the County Sheriff’s Office is hereby set at 150 and shall not be reduced further.
    1. Except with the consent of the County Sheriff.
  2. The Sheriff will be entitled to employ as many deputies as the department budget allows at the rank cadet and above.
    1. These officers will count towards the budget of the department.
  3. The Sheriff will, additionally, be entitled to employ a number of correctional officers responsible for staffing the county jail among any other duties assigned to them.
    1. The number of correctional officers which the Sheriff will be able to employ is to be a sum not greater than one third the department budget.
    2. Any officer employed at the rank or in the position of a correctional officer will not count towards the department budget.
  4. For any alteration to the budget of the County Sheriff’s Office, one of the following procedures must be followed;
    1. At least three county commissioners or the transit director shall be in agreement on the institution of a new budget.
    2. The County Board must vote with a simple majority to institute a new budget.
    3. The County Executive must issue a County Executive order stipulating a new budget.
  5. No budget decrease which would result in the department being over budget at such time as the new budget is adopted will be passed without the consent and consultation of the County Sheriff.

Section III - Enforcement

  1. Should the Sheriff’s Office become aware that they employ more officers or correctional officers than their budget allows then they are to take steps to address the problem in a timely manner

Section IV - General Provisions

  1. Upon this County Ordnance being published, it shall go into effect immediately. All conflicting Municipal Ordinances & County Ordinances will be declared null and void.

Last update: May 12, 2020