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Senate Bill No. 2

An act to replace the Public Servants Act 2018.

[Introduced by justind20 November 25, 2018. Approved by Governor November 26, 2018.]

Be it enacted by the Senate of the State of Mayflower in Congress assembled,


  • (a) An act to repeal and replace Public Servants Act 2018, revising some critical parts of the act.
  • (b) The Public Servants Act 2018 will be repealed.
  • (c) This Act shall be effective once the Governor of the State of Mayflower signs it signalling approval. This Act will end once a new bill has replaced it, this bill is altered, or this bill is repealed by a vote of the State Senate.


Prerequisites for being employed by the public sector

1. Repeal

  • (a) The Public Servants Act 2018 will be repealed.

2. Citizenship

  • (a) Any person employed in a publicly funded department [a group allied to the State of Mayflower] (“a department”) is a Public Servant (“employee” or “employer”) and must be a Citizen in the State of Mayflower.

3. Barred from holding public office

  • (a) Any person wishing to hold elected office must not be barred from holding public office by the Governor or the Courts.

Rights of the public sector employment

4. The right to fair termination

  • (a) No person employed in a department may be fired except for the following reasons:
  • (i) The capability or qualifications of the employee
  • (ii) The employee’s conduct
  • (iii) Illegality of employment

5. The right to equal treatment

  • (a) No person may be treated unequally or discriminated against because of anything except:
  • (i) Their qualifications
  • (ii) Their previous conduct

6. The right to a reasonable employer

  • (a) All employers have an obligation to behave in a reasonable and proper manner.

7. The right to time off

  • (a) All employers and employees may take time off, so long as they give fair notice and do not exceed one week in inactivity.
  • (b) Special dispensation may be given by employers for those needing time exceeding one week to be offline.
  • (c) Without giving notice or going for long periods of time without being active, it is assumed the employee or employer accept that they may be terminated at any time.

Limits on the number of public sector jobs a person may hold

8. One public sector job

  • (a) No person may be employed in more than one department at any given time.
  • (b) All employees and Employers have the right to a job not specified in Section (7b) and may:
  • (i) Serve in the Mayflower National Guard
  • (ii) Serve as a Member of the State Senate
  • (iii) Volunteer as a Clerk to the State Senate
  • (iv) Work in the Law Enforcement Training Institute
  • (v) Work as an Agent of the Immigration and Customs Force
  • (vi) Be employed as a Member of the Department of Justice
  • (vii) Practice law as a Member of the Mayflower State Bar
  • (viii) Volunteer as a Clerk to the Courts of Mayflower
  • (c) Employees and Employers found to be holding more than one job shall be removed from there all without notice.


  • (a) Act shall be in effect from the time when the Governor signs the act to when the Governor, a Judicial Official, or a Legislative Official deems it should no longer be put into effect by taking the appropriate action within their prescribed powers.


  • (a) This act shall be nullified in part should it conflict with sections of the Constitution.

Last update: May 7, 2020